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    There are some key items you'll need before you can start spearfishing. They are a mask, snorkel, fins, speargun or hand spear, weight belt, weights, float and float line. Read up on these items here.

    Spearfishing, no matter how fun it is, can be a dangerous sport. You have to keep in mind that a speargun is a weapon, and a weapon has the potential to do serious harm. As they always say, treat your speargun like a loaded gun. We recommend learning the features of your gun and practising using it before heading into the ocean. Read more about safety while spearfishing here.

    Each state has different rules stating where you can and can't spearfish.

    For NSW closure areas click here.

    For QLD closure areas click here.

    For VIC closure areas click here.

    For NT closure areas click here.

    For WA closure areas click here.

    For SA closure areas click here.

    Whether you're shore diving or heading out on a boat, we've listed out the best spearfishing spots in each state. Check out your local here.

    Remember that you require a Fishing License to spearfish or line fish in NSW which can be purchased from most bait/tackle shops.

    Bag and size limits are spearfishing restrictions in place to protect and conserve our aquatic resources and to ensure that fishing activities remain sustainable.

    With this is mind it’s important to make sure that we're well within our limits, whether it's our size limit, our possession limit, our take limit, or limits on where we’re hunting. Read more here.

    Despite many negative perceptions, spearfishing is both ethical and environmentally friendly.

    The ability to see your catch means you can be selective with what you shoot and ensure you're doing the least possible damage to the fish.

    Additionally, being able to catch your own fish means you don't need to support commercial fishing industries, which tend to have a poor reputation when it comes to their environmental impact.

    This entirely depends on you and the location you're diving in. For most people, 1-2 minutes is sufficient. For more experienced spearos, up to 4 minutes is possible.

    The longer you can hold your breath underwater, the higher your chances of coming across the perfect fish to spear but never push it. 

    Keep in mind that holding your breath on land is different to holding your breath underwater. You need to account for the energy you'll exert when diving down, spearing your catch, and making it back to the surface.

    Learn how to hold your breath for longer here.

    YES! In case of an emergency, you cannot be helped or saved if you are alone in the water.

    Diving with a partner significantly minimizes the risks and greatly increases your chances of survival should an unexpected situation arise during the dive. Read more here.