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    Dive Mask Anti Fog and Spare Parts

    From anti-fog to mask tamers to customised biopters for people that wear glasses and want to dive, we've got all the solutions.

    There are many anti-fog options and it's best to try them out to see which one works best!  Frog-spit and Sea Gold are our most popular anti-fog options but if you're unsure of the... Read More


    TUSA Neoprene Tamer/Strap Cover with logo

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    Land and Sea

    Land & Sea Mask Strap Silicone

    Our Price


    TUSA Neoprene Tamer/Strap Cover with logo

    Our Price


    Mask Gopro Mount - Suits Mantis and Mantis 5

    Our Price


    TUSA Neoprene Tamer/Strap Cover with logo

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    Silicone Mask Strap Black To Suit Nero Masks

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    TUSA Neoprene Tamer/Strap Cover with logo

    Our Price

    Dive Mask Anti Fog and Spare Parts

    From anti-fog to mask tamers to customised biopters for people that wear glasses and want to dive, we've got all the solutions.

    There are many anti-fog options and it's best to try them out to see which one works best!  Frog-spit and Sea Gold are our most popular anti-fog options but if you're unsure of the best way to stop fog in your diving mask watch our video guide here

    For spearfishers that wear prescription glasses on land we have a number of masks with replaceable lenses which allow you to see just as clearly underwater.  In this case it's best to contact us about your best solution.