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    Weight Vests and Harnesses

    Some people prefer to wear a weight harness over a weight belt, which moves the weights up around your torso and can assist in trim. Wetsuit material (neoprene) contains air-bubbles which give the wetsuit buoyancy, which is why you need to wear so much lead while suited, as opposed to skin diving. Another benefit of... Read More

    Weight Vests and Harnesses

    Some people prefer to wear a weight harness over a weight belt, which moves the weights up around your torso and can assist in trim. Wetsuit material (neoprene) contains air-bubbles which give the wetsuit buoyancy, which is why you need to wear so much lead while suited, as opposed to skin diving. Another benefit of a vest or harness is its ability to separate your diving weights from your wetsuit neoprene. This feels more comfortable and can help prevent wear and tear. 

    Just like with a regular weight belt, choosing how much weight you carry is super important to ensure your safety and maximise your bottom time. A few easy things to check before you dive in:

    • Are you diving in saltwater or freshwater? You float more in saltwater so need more weight.
    • How thick is your wetsuit? The thicker the suit, the more weight you need.
    • What's your height and weight? More body fat requires more weight.
    • What type of diving are you doing? Certain sports require different amounts of weight depending on equipment, depth and activity.