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    Float Systems

    Float Systems are vital for every spearfisher and serve many purposes.

    Spearfishing Floats make it easy for your dive buddy and boats, to spot where you are. This is important as it is a fact that boats pose more of a threat to spearfishers than sharks! Spearfishing floats are also used to fight your fish and... Read More

    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Beuchat Torpedo Float with Adreno Float Line & Accessories - Combo

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    Spectra Fusion Float Line - 100ft

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    F.G Inflatable Float with Flag - 15L

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    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno F.G 30L Inflatable Float With Adreno PVC Float Line - Combo

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    Float Line w/Stringer and Speed Spike - 15m

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    Spectra Fusion Float Line - 50ft

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    Schrader Style Inflation Float Valve w/ Cap

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    Air Blower Adapter w/Schrader Valve to Suit 3atm Float

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    Ocean Hunter

    Flag and Pole (Suits Hard float)

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    Reinforced Velcro Strap For Float Lines

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    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno Rock Hopper Float Pack - 20m

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    Rob Allen

    Remora Inflatable Float - 35L

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    Sea Pup 5L Hard Float with Flag

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    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno F.G 30L Inflatable Float With Adreno PVC Float Line - Combo

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    Rob Allen

    Fish Stringer (Hang off float style)

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    Rob Allen

    Remora Inflatable Float - 11L

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    Ocean Hunter

    Float Line w/Stringer - 25m

    Our Price

    Float Systems

    Float Systems are vital for every spearfisher and serve many purposes.

    Spearfishing Floats make it easy for your dive buddy and boats, to spot where you are. This is important as it is a fact that boats pose more of a threat to spearfishers than sharks! Spearfishing floats are also used to fight your fish and ensure that you don’t lose your gun. Attach your dive float to a float line and then to your gun and you will be able to let your gun go if you shoot a big fish. Even if you just get your spear stuck on the bottom it is important that you can return to the surface and breathe up before diving to retrieve it

    Float Lines are used to attach your float to your gun. Having a float line means that you can drop your speargun and retrieve it from the surface by pulling the float line up. Whether you have shot a big fish or got your gun stuck in coral it is important to have a float line so that you do not lose your speargun! Float lines come in a variety of lengths and materials. You should choose a length that is suitable for your diving ability and location. If you are only diving to 10m then a 15m float line is plenty long enough. Rope float lines are very durable and cheap so they are really popular for entry-level divers. PVC lines are nice as they are less likely to tangle and are very positively buoyant. Spectra float lines are lightweight and super strong but they are also the most expensive.

    Float line bungees act as a shock absorber for your float. This softens the sudden jerks you feel when a wave hits your float or you have descended and are nearing the end of your float line. It also reduces the pressure applied to shot fish, this is perfect for soft fleshed fish such as mackerel and wahoo as it helps to prevent the load of the float pulling the shaft out as the fish runs. Float line bungees are also a great way to extend the length of your float line if you find yourself maxing out your current setup.

    Bluewater bungees are designed to be used when chasing large pelagic species like Tuna, Marlin and Large Wahoo.

    Flasher Floats/Flashers, or teasers as some people call them, will lure in a variety of pelagic and reef fish making the task of finding and shooting them much easier! Spearfishing flashers have been used for generations as a way of attracting fish by reflecting light through the water, making larger fish species think that there is bait in the area or feeding occurring. Flashers will lure fish to you and keep them focused on the flashers shiny effect meaning that you can dive down and take your shot without the curious fish even spotting you! Spearfishing flashers are easy to use and Adreno has a variety of high-quality flashers available. A flasher float is used to suspend your flasher at your desired hunting depth, make sure not to set your flasher too deep as you may not be able to get to the fish that come in to check it out.

    Freediving Floats are large inflatable doughnut-shaped floats. They are used to suspend the dive line. They should be large enough to support a minimum of two divers hanging off the side. Freediving floats should only be used in training situations they are not suitable for spearfishing.