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    Since 2001, Adreno has been committed to producing the most ideal spear and scuba products for Australian divers and conditions, never resting on their laurels as one of the world's largest spearfishing brands. 

    The application of founder Tim Neilsen's decades of competitive spearfishing experience, including an Australian Championship Title, has helped Adreno concrete... Read More


    Poseidon Carbon Fiber Speargun Barrel - 120cm

    Our Price


    Poseidon Carbon Fiber Speargun Barrel - 110cm

    Our Price


    ADRENO Wetsuit/Gear Wash - 1L - 12 Pack

    Our Price


    Poseidon Expedition Duffle Bag 70L

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    1.8mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 500m

    Our Price


    2.0mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 500m

    Our Price


    F.G Inflatable Float with Flag - 15L

    Our Price


    Since 2001, Adreno has been committed to producing the most ideal spear and scuba products for Australian divers and conditions, never resting on their laurels as one of the world's largest spearfishing brands. 

    The application of founder Tim Neilsen's decades of competitive spearfishing experience, including an Australian Championship Title, has helped Adreno concrete themselves as a leading manufacturer in the Australian spearfishing market. What started with shafts and rigging has continually evolved to encompass all avenues of spear fishing and their insatiable desire to progress is at the heart of Adreno's innovation.

    Tim recognised a demand for well-informed, professional customer service, which is backed by a full range of quality spearfishing and scuba diving products. Adreno is now one of the world’s biggest and best one-stop freediving, spearfishing and scuba diving stores.