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    Pathos provide a full spearfishing product line such as spearguns, wetsuits, carbon fins, waterproof equipment bags, foot-pockets, branded clothes and accessories.

    Pathos products are designed and produced entirely with the usage of top quality components. All the materials used for the production of Pathos products come exclusively from Europe, The United States and Japan.

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    Ergonomic Handle Grip - Right

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    Trigger Mechanism Side Release - Suits Angelo 2 Handle

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    Handle Insert Red Universal

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    Standard Pin Release Mechanism for Angelo 2 Handle

    Our Price


    Pathos provide a full spearfishing product line such as spearguns, wetsuits, carbon fins, waterproof equipment bags, foot-pockets, branded clothes and accessories.

    Pathos products are designed and produced entirely with the usage of top quality components. All the materials used for the production of Pathos products come exclusively from Europe, The United States and Japan.

    All products are manufactured with care in detail and most importantly, with great passion. Their passion embraces all those who love the sea and fishing with a single breath.