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    Snorkelling Snorkels

    The most basic component of a snorkelling set is the snorkel but they are not all equal.  A quality snorkel is one that has a comfortable mouthpeice, base purge [to make blowing water out easier] and a dry-tip.  A dry-tip aids in drastically reducing the amount of water that can enter the tube.

    Full-face masks... Read More


    Manta Snorkel Keeper with Quick Release

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    Adreno Silicone Mouthpiece to suit Manta Snorkel

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    Poseidon Purge Valve Freediving Snorkel

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    Moray/Elite Dry Snorkel Keeper with Quick Release

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    Ultra Dry 2 Clear titanium Snorkel

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    Cobia Flexible Freedive Snorkel

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    Reg Mouthpiece Holder Yellow (Rounded Ball)

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    Snorkelling Snorkels

    The most basic component of a snorkelling set is the snorkel but they are not all equal.  A quality snorkel is one that has a comfortable mouthpeice, base purge [to make blowing water out easier] and a dry-tip.  A dry-tip aids in drastically reducing the amount of water that can enter the tube.

    Full-face masks are becoming increasingly popular thanks to their anti-fog design and ease of use.  The only down-side to the full-face style is that you're not able to block your nostrils, making equalising impossible, unless you're able to hands-free equalise.  Don't get us wrong though, they're a great snorkelling mask, just not designed to go below the surface.

    Check out our guide to snorkelling gear here