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    Beuchat was founded in 1934 by Georges Beuchat who had a fascination for the underwater world. He was a spearfishing enthusiast who never tired of creating products that paved the way for underwater sports such as scuba diving, free diving and spearfishing.

    George also invented... Read More


    Rubber Weight Belt W/ SS Buckle Q/R Buckle

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    Maxlux Small Mask & Spy Snorkel - Combo

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    QLR2 Integrated Weight Pockets

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    Weight Vest - High Visibility

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    Torpedo Float with Flag - 11L

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    VR300 Regulator Set - Yoke

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    Euro Speargun Rubber Loop - 13mm x 24cm

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    Beuchat was founded in 1934 by Georges Beuchat who had a fascination for the underwater world. He was a spearfishing enthusiast who never tired of creating products that paved the way for underwater sports such as scuba diving, free diving and spearfishing.

    George also invented the first underwater speargun in 1947 using the elastic propulsion system. Beuchat products remain some of the best in the underwater world today.