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    C4 Carbon - Fins, Fin Blades and Spearguns

    C4 are world leaders in carbon fibre sporting goods, such as fins and spearfishing guns.  Their speargun range has some of the most technologically advanced guns on the market today, boasting unparalleled hydrodynamics, accuracy and precision.  

    When it comes to fin blades you'll struggle to find such a diverse and well considered range, resulting from... Read More

    C4 Carbon - Fins, Fin Blades and Spearguns

    C4 are world leaders in carbon fibre sporting goods, such as fins and spearfishing guns.  Their speargun range has some of the most technologically advanced guns on the market today, boasting unparalleled hydrodynamics, accuracy and precision.  

    When it comes to fin blades you'll struggle to find such a diverse and well considered range, resulting from their decades of testing with their team of professional divers around the Mediterranean - a place were spearfishing at 50m is a common occurrence.  If you're curious as to just how good C4 are with carbon? Look no further then their history with Bianchi Bikes.