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    Stinger Suits

    Rashies and Lycra suits are great for summer spearfishing and spearfishing where harmful jelly fish may be present. Adreno has a range of rashies and lycra suits for spearfishing including rashies with loading pads and camouflaged rashies. With so many dangerous and even lethal stingers in Australia, especially in the warmer summer months, a stinger... Read More

    Stinger Suits

    Rashies and Lycra suits are great for summer spearfishing and spearfishing where harmful jelly fish may be present. Adreno has a range of rashies and lycra suits for spearfishing including rashies with loading pads and camouflaged rashies. With so many dangerous and even lethal stingers in Australia, especially in the warmer summer months, a stinger suit is a small investment that can prevent hospitalisation

    If you are diving where harmful jellyfish or stingers may be present it can be a good idea to purchase a full-body lycra suit with a hood to fully protect your body from possibly deadly stings.

    Although lycra is highly effective against stingers and the sun it does not provide any warmth.  For a stinger-suit that provides some warmth, we recommend going with a microfibre or ply-fleece stinger suit.

    If you're intrigued about stinger suits than we suggest checking out our extensive blog-post on the state of stingers and Jellyfish in Australia: read here.