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    Speargun Rubber

    Speargun Rubber: Spearguns other than pneumatic spearguns are powered with rubber. The rubber is pulled back and hooked into the notch of the spear, referred to as a fin, by the bridle on the rubber.

    The thicker your speargun rubber is the harder it will be to load but the more power it will give. Alternatively, you could have... Read More

    Rob Allen

    16mm Roller Speargun Powerband - Factory Assembly

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber Pack - 3m

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    Ocean Hunter

    Microbore 14.5mm Rubber

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    Rob Allen

    16mm Speargun Rubber - Per Metre

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 17.5mm Speargun Rubber

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    Rob Allen

    16mm Speargun Rubber - Per Metre

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber Pack - 3m

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    Rob Allen

    16mm Roller Speargun Powerband - Factory Assembly

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    14mm Speargun Rubber - Per Meter

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    Snap Clip Muzzle Bungee (2 Pack)

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

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    USA Latex

    Wasp 14mm Microbore Speargun Rubber

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    USA Latex

    Wasp 16mm Microbore Speargun Rubber

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    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

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    Euro Speargun Rubber Loop - 13mm x 24cm

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    Rob Allen

    16mm Roller Speargun Powerband - Factory Assembly

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    14mm Speargun Rubber - Per Meter

    Our Price

    Speargun Rubber

    Speargun Rubber: Spearguns other than pneumatic spearguns are powered with rubber. The rubber is pulled back and hooked into the notch of the spear, referred to as a fin, by the bridle on the rubber.

    The thicker your speargun rubber is the harder it will be to load but the more power it will give. Alternatively, you could have two thinner rubbers that are easy to load but still provide maximum power. Twin 16mm rubbers are ideal for most kinds of spearfishing unless you are hunting marlin or large tuna which may require several power bands.