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    Speargun Bags

    Spearguns are made very strong in order to deal with the immense pressure applied by the rubbers so it's easy to think you don't need to store them away to keep them in good condition but the truth of the matter is UV will do more damage, especially to your powerbands, than a few scratches... Read More

    Rob Allen

    Neoprene Gun Sleeve (Suits 90-110cm guns)

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Neoprene Gun Sleeve (Suits 120-140cm guns)

    Our Price

    Speargun Bags

    Spearguns are made very strong in order to deal with the immense pressure applied by the rubbers so it's easy to think you don't need to store them away to keep them in good condition but the truth of the matter is UV will do more damage, especially to your powerbands, than a few scratches here and there.

    We offer a complete range of gun bags, be it to keep the sun off or to travel around the world.