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    Weight Systems Accessories

    Maybe part of your weight kit needs replacing, or maybe you'd just like to add some additional capabilities, either way, Adreno has a variety of products to meet your needs. 

    Spare weight belt buckles can replace broken or malfunctioning old weight belt buckles. You can also replace plastic buckles with steel buckles if you're looking... Read More


    Stainless Weight Belt Keeper With D Ring

    Our Price


    Weight Belt Buckle - Stainless Steel

    Our Price


    Plastic Weight Belt Keeper with Teeth

    Our Price


    Weight Belt Q/R Buckle - Plastic

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    Aluminium MOULD for 3lb belt weights

    Our Price

    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno Spearfishing Weight Belt Pack w/ Brass Clip & Lanyard - Combo

    Our Price

    Weight Systems Accessories

    Maybe part of your weight kit needs replacing, or maybe you'd just like to add some additional capabilities, either way, Adreno has a variety of products to meet your needs. 

    Spare weight belt buckles can replace broken or malfunctioning old weight belt buckles. You can also replace plastic buckles with steel buckles if you're looking to upgrade.

    Weight keepers can help to hold your weights in place on your belt so they aren't sliding around throughout your dive. Some stainless steel weight keepers also carry a D-ring so you can attach additional accessories off them.

    If you have any problems or questions please don't hesitate to contact our experienced customer service team.