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    Hand Spears, Pole Spears & Hawaiian Slings

    Hand spears and Pole spears are the forgotten sibling of the speargun but their place in the water will never be replaced. They're the best entry point to underwater hunting as they're most suited to diving around rocks and are very easy to shore-dive with.

    The advantage to a handspear is that the user defines... Read More


    3 Piece Aluminium Hand Spear - 2m

    Our Price


    Fibreglass Hand Spear 3 Piece 2.0m

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    Javelin Deluxe 2 Piece Aluminium Hand Spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    Javelin Deluxe 3 Piece Aluminium Hand Spear

    Our Price

    Ocean Hunter

    Fiberglass Hand Spear Two Piece

    Our Price

    Ocean Hunter

    2 Piece Aluminium Hand Spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    3 Piece Fiberglass Hand Spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    3 Piece Aluminium Hand spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    2 Piece Fiberglass Hand Spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    2 Piece Aluminium Hand Spear

    Our Price


    Carbon Fiber Pole Spear Package - 9ft

    Our Price


    Pole Spear Power Band - 30 to suit 6ft pole spear

    Our Price


    Pole Spear Power Band - 46 to suit 9ft pole spear

    Our Price


    Pole Spear Power Band - 51 to suit 10ft pole spear

    Our Price


    Pole Spear Power Band - 41 to suit 8ft pole spear

    Our Price


    Pole Spear Power Band - 36 to suit 7ft pole spear

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    Brass 3 Barb Cluster 5/16

    Our Price

    Land and Sea

    Aluminium 5 Barb Cluster Male Thread

    Our Price


    PVC Coated Cable Replacement For Sliptip

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    Pole Spear Sub-Mini Ice Pick Assembly with 10inch Extender

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    Carbon Fiber Pole Spear Package - 6ft

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    Land and Sea

    Aluminium 5 Barb Cluster Female Thread

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    Land and Sea

    Brass 5 Barb Cluster 1/2

    Our Price


    Stainless Cable And Tip Replacement For Sliptip

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    Cressi Hand Spear Extender Tri Cut Hawaian Style

    Our Price

    Hand Spears, Pole Spears & Hawaiian Slings

    Hand spears and Pole spears are the forgotten sibling of the speargun but their place in the water will never be replaced. They're the best entry point to underwater hunting as they're most suited to diving around rocks and are very easy to shore-dive with.

    The advantage to a handspear is that the user defines how much load is applied to rubber because to load a hand spear you pull the rubber as hard as you can and grab onto the spear, anchoring the rubber with your hand. 

    On a speargun this anchor point is defined by two welded tabs, therefore it's not possible to effectively de-power your gun. This is important when hunting around rocks as you don't want to shoot something hiding under a rock just a meter away at full power as you'll end up donating your shaft to a rock.

    There are countless advantages to a handspear, perhaps as many as there are advantages to spearguns but they're not designed for the same style of hunting so you must consider how you want to hunt before considering what you want to hunt with.  Regardless of this, there's always room for a hand spear in your kit as they're light, cheap and small.