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    Sydney Jewfish Hunting Night

    June 07, 2016 1 min read

    We're stoked to invite you along to our Sydney store community night this Thursday. Come along and learn from Jewie whisperer Ben Bayfield who has kindly offered to share his wisdom with you so you too can learn to hunt the elusive Jewie like a pro! WHERE: 1/678-682 Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015 WHEN: Thursday, June 9 6.30pm-8pm COST: FREE RSVP: Email sydney@adreno.com.au to reserve your spot FOOD: Light snacks and refreshments provided Thanks to USFA for organising these great information nights for the spearfishing community!

    A bit about Ben Bayfield
    A long standing member of the Sans Souci Dolphins and 2014 NSW State Champion, Ben has over 15 years of spearfishing experience. His favourite fish to hunt is Jewfish/Mulloway - a fish that's at the top of every spearo's hit list!

    Ben is going to be talking to you about gear setup, Mullowy territory, best stalking methods, ideal shot placement, tides, moon, seasons and more, as well as answering your questions.

    A wealth of knowledge and great guy, we're excited to have Ben sharing his time and experience with our customers! See you there!