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    Adreno Aqua Lung Whites Drysuit Testing Day

    May 27, 2016 2 min read

    Adreno Aqua Lung Whites Drysuit Testing Day

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    [bs_col class="col-sm-6"]Adreno Aqua Lung Whites Dry Suit Day[/bs_col]
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    Recently, Adreno Scuba Diving's store managers and retail sales experts jumped in the pool and put the new Aqua Lung drysuits, BCD's and Fins to the test. Adreno's team frequently run workshops similar to this to ensure our staff are fully informed on all product to be able to pass on the most accurate information to assist our customers.

    The highlight of the day was by far the new Aqua Lung Fusion Drysuit. This suit is incredible to say the least. Imagine all the features that you love in a wetsuit like the ability to don it yourself, the slimline feel and the light weight combined with the warmth and great seals of a drysuit. It's this thought process that created the Fusion Drysuit.

    The thing that makes this suit really stand out from the crowd is the outer skin! Over the top of the suit's core is this incredible flexible skin that give the suit unique properties that we normally wouldn't find in a drysuit.

    Initially when you jump in the Fusion suit you'll notice that the 'U' shaped front-zip allows you to do up the suit by yourself, without the assistance of a dive buddy. You'll then see that suit isn't puffy like other drysuits, this outer layer gives you a much more streamlined feel in and out of the water, providing a feeling of mobility that you'd of never experienced before. When jumping in the water you'll see the internal bubble transfer is minimal, this is thanks to that our skin again.

    The interior dry core is made of a military grade bi-laminate material. This is the part that keeps you really dry and it does good job of it! The Fusion also comes in a well fitted Ladies Drysuit version.

    All-in-all, since the collaboration of whites and Aqua Lung we've seen the release of a drysuit that is miles ahead of other suits on the market right now and we're sure they won't stop at that.


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