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    Big 5 Online Spearfishing Competition Update!

    July 04, 2016 1 min read

    Sorry we’ve been offline with the big 5 updates for a while! With the opening of our Melbourne Adreno store, we’ve been absolutely flat out serving you guys with all the gear and advice you need to go out and stick some fish yourselves.

    Our Big 5 Competition is as hot as ever, and there’s been some real scoreboard movement since our last update.

    Trevor Ketchion has stormed into quite a convincing lead. He notched up a number of great captures over the past month, including a lovely 26kg Spanish mackerel. There were in fact a number of nice Spanish weighed in over the last month, despite the cooler temperatures we’ve been experiencing. Rhys Drury got himself a nice one, as did Adreno’s founder Tim Neilsen.

    Woody Falls has checked in some nice fish over the last few weeks, and finds himself all the way up into seventh.

    Our Big 5 competition runs all year, so there’s still plenty of time to catch Trevor and the other leaders. Now that we’ve got this crazy weather over with, hopefully there will be clear skies and calm seas ahead for the next few weeks.

    Remember to include some grab’n’grin shots with your Big 5 entries, we like to show the best captures in our fortnightly blog posts!

    Souther 5 Results Souther 5 Results

    Estuary 5 Results Estuary 5 Results

    Emperor 5 Results Emperor 5 Results

    Reef 5 Results Reef 5 Results

    Game 5 Results Game 5 Results

    Big 5 Results Big 5 Results