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    Salt and Pepper Squid

    May 19, 2012 1 min read

    Salt and Pepper Squid

    Try this quick and easy recipe next time you get some Squid!


    - Squid hoods

    - Plain flour

    - Lemon pepper, salt and pepper

    - Oil


    1. Run your knife along the inside of one hood to open it up. Run a sharp knife along the hood to create 1cm thick diagonal slits. Repeat the other way to make a criss cross pattern.

    2. Slice the hood into 2x4cm rectangles.

    4. Mix flour, salt and pepper on a plate and roll the squid in the mixtuer.

    5. Heat 2-3cm of oil in a wok until you can put a cube of bread in and it turns golden brown in 10 seconds.

    6. Put squid in the oil in bunches of 6 at a time. Cook until golden and drain on paper towell.

    7. Serve with your choice of dipping sauces and salad.