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    The SS Team hit Wolf Rock .. literally

    May 21, 2012 2 min read

    The SS Team hit Wolf Rock .. literally

    Over the weekend, myself and the Sarah Shark Team made way for Wolf Rock at Rainbow Beach in Queensland.

    Kev from the Wolf Rock Dive Centre had called us on Friday before we left to let us know that visibility at the Rock had fallen to about 1m, however, there was a chance it could pick up by Saturday morning. We umm-ed and ahh-ed about canceling but decided that we were going to continue on with optimism in our eyes and luck on the horizon.

    However, as we hit the water Saturday morning we quickly realised this optimism was misguided and we were flat out of luck. As I watched my hands disappear in front of me as I pulled myself down the rope I couldn't help but have a giggle to myself. It was very rare that Wolf Rock had a small swell and next to no current, which was meant to be a good thing, but with no current this dirty water wasn't going anywhere. I stopped giggling when I head butted the bottom. Kev lead us around the Rock in the hope the other side may be a bit cleaner, but to no avail. We did however catch a glimpse of a Manta Ray swimming above. Woo. We surfaced and called the 2nd dive off.

    Strangely, even though the conditions were just short of morbid, I still really enjoyed my dive. I was at a site I had never dived before, and the poor visibility had a mysterious atmosphere to it. Knowing that there were Sharks lurking around us just out of sight was compelling and kind of invigorating.

    Having said all this. We got no useable underwater footage. We did however, make good use of the beautiful weather and smashed out all our land filming. See below for a few behind the scenes pictures.

    We are on stand-by with Wolf Rock Dive Centre for when conditions get amazing, and will be heading to South West Rocks in a few weeks to shoot that segment.

    Episode 3: Grey Nurse - The Endangered Shark coming your way soon!

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark







