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    Don't Miss This Opportunity to Dive with the Great Whites in June!

    May 18, 2012 2 min read

    Don't Miss This Opportunity to Dive with the Great Whites in June!

    Have you ever watched a documentary on Great white sharks, found yourself captivated by Shark Week, or looked at a photo of the world’s most respected apex predator and thought “Wow! I HAVE to go diving with them one day!”? Well here is your chance! Professional Dive Services is leading a group down to South Australia to dive with the world’s authority in cage diving Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions.

    4 days of cage diving with the most exciting creature on the planet! You don’t want to miss this! Touted as “The BEST of South Australia” we will spend one week diving with all of South Australia’s natural wonders. This is the trip of a life time and one to tick off the bucket list! The total cost of the whole trip (minus flights) is $3000. If you would just like to do the Great white component of the trip; 11 - 15 June 2012, then it will be $2,300. What do you get for the other $700 you ask?

    We will fly into Adelaide on the Saturday the 9th of June 2012 where I will then drive everyone up to Whyalla. We will stay at the Whyalla Foreshore Motor Inn for the Saturday night and then the next day head to the best site in Australia to swim with the mating Giant Cuttlefish. If you read this January's dive log you would have seen that the numbers are decreasing significantly so you don't want to miss this!!

    After we do two dives with the cuttlefish we will then drive to Port Lincoln where we will then book into our hotel for the night. The next day we will then head to Tumby Bay to do two dives with the Leafy Sea Dragons and then a dive in the afternoon in the Southern Blue Fin Tuna pens! With the exception of the caves in Mount Gambier we will be hitting all of the most popular dive sites in South Australia in one trip!

    On the Monday night we will then get onboard the Princess 2 and secure our berths for a good nights sleep before powering out the following morning for the Neptune Islands.... and the Great Whites!

    Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions are the most established and respected cage diving operation in the world. They are the ONLY operators worldwide to put the cage on the sea floor so you can truly see the sharks in the natural environment. They react entirely different at depth then they do at the surface when they are predating. YOU DON'T WAN TO MISS THIS!!

    I only have four spots left for this so make sure you don’t miss out!!

    Sharks Alone : $2,300 The Trip of a Lifetime : $3,000

    The look on your face after looking nature’s apex predator right in the eye… Priceless!

    Contact John Gransbury of Professional Dive Services at johngransbury@gmail.com or on 0457 007 040 to secure your spot today!

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