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    Perth spearfishing competition April 14th

    April 11, 2012 2 min read

    Perth spearfishing competition April 14th

    West Australian Undersea Club (WAUC) is the oldest Spearfishing club based in Perth, with a rich history running for some 60+ years. Its current 140+ members are from a wide range of backgrounds ranging from young novice divers in their teens through to old salts that have been diving since the ‘good old days’ with some 100+ active members.

    On the Saturday the 14th of April the club organises the Glynn Dromey Memorial Pairs Spearfishing Competition. Adreno sponsors this competition with a Beuchat Mundial Competition Spearfishing Wetsuit for the winner.

    It is a pairs freediving event held at Lancelin each year since 1994 in remembrance of Glynn Dromey an accomplished spearo who passed away in the 80’s from cancer. The event is conducted from individual boats. Those without a ride but wishing to enter can contact the WAUC Spearfishing organiser.

    Sign on:between 6.00-6.40 am at Miragliotta Street in Lancelin.

    Comp time:7am - 2pm

    Weigh in:3pm , with food and drinks included

    Cost:$30 p.p.

    Enquiries and entry forms: Visit www.waundersea.com or  call Joe Petrovich (0415956545) or Graham Gould (0412945722)

    If the weather on the day is forecast for strong winds the event will be postponed to the next suitable Sunday or Saturday.

    WAUChas a heavy focus on selectable and sustainable fishing and encourages all spearfishermen to be aware of the delicate nature of all marine environments and to respect it.

    If you are a novice diver wanting to learn more about Spearfishing and get onto some great fish or a seasoned spearfisherman wanting a club to belong to and meet more spearo’s WA Undersea is the club for you. WAUC regularly hold club trips both up north and down south, club only competitions and metro dive days where you are able to get onto other club members boats and chase that elusive species you are yet to shoot.