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    It's Back and Bigger than EVER...

    April 06, 2012 1 min read

    It's Back and Bigger than EVER...

    The Adreno Big 5 competition is bigger and better this year with four species categories, nearly 20 award categories, and over $10,000 worth of prizes up for grabs.

    The four categories, as you may have seen on our Facebook page over the past few days, include the ‘Junior 5’, ‘Reef 5’, ‘Game 5’ and ‘Big 5’.

    We have done our best to make the species even for each State so that everyone in Australia has a chance to win some fantastic prizes.

    The competition starts today, Thursday April 5, in time for the Easter long weekend, and ends on December 31 2012.

    This will give everyone a fair opportunity to get as many of these species as they can, take amazing photos, and hopefully get some filming done as well.

    Download the 2012 Adreno Big 5 Competition (PDF) information sheet for a detailed outline of this exciting competition.

    Remember, the DiveR Most Meritorious Miscellaneous Fish prizes are open for ANY quality fish that you spear and weigh in from tomorrow to the end of the year – the highest quality fish (junior and senior) will win this award and will be judged by a panel including Cameron Kirkconell and the man behind DiveR fins Ray Powell! Be sure to read all of the rules so that you know how to enter in each category.

    This competition and the amazing prizes are really up for grabs by ANYONE. You have to be in the water to get the fish so get out there and have some fun with it!