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    PADI Project Aware's Big Shout Out For Sharks

    April 11, 2012 1 min read

    PADI Project Aware's Big Shout Out For Sharks

    Blog submitted by the team from PADI Project Aware.

    Our Big Shark Shout Out is the month of April.

    Sharks are balancing on the brink and our aim is to protect them from overexploitation – overfishing, finning and bycatch – before it’s too late. We would love the help of all scuba divers, in getting more attention for this.

    As shark populations continue to plummet, scuba divers remain some of sharks’ most dedicated advocates. We’re demanding changes in policy to permanently protect these species and we’re taking action in our own communities.

    During the Big Shark Shout Out, April 2012, our global movement of scuba divers is creating a unified shout for sharks. We’re asking supporters to:

    1. Sign the Shark Petition - to pressure world leaders to close shark finning loopholes and provide greater trade protections for vulnerable shark species.
    2. Add the Petition Widget – to their own blog or social network to push the 250,000 signatures goal and send up a stronger shout for sharks.
    If you're interested in writing about this, watch this 1-minute video that tells the story of Sharks in peril:

    There's more info about April’s Big Shark Shout Out here on the Project Aware website .

    Thanks everyone!