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    Glynn Dromey Memorial spearfishing competition a big succes

    April 27, 2012 3 min read

    Glynn Dromey Memorial spearfishing competition a big succes

    Winners of the WAUC comp

    The West Australian Undersea Club (WAUC) held the annual Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition for 2012 on Saturday April 14 at Lancelin. This competition was sponsored by Adreno, among other companies. It was the 16th time the event has been run and by the numbers who signed on and the enthusiasm it engendered, one of the most successful: 24 pairs signed on and 22 weighed. There was a 10-15 knot south-easterly blowing on a 1.5 metre swell. Visibility was a mustard coloured 8-12 metres courtesy of some bigger swells earlier in the week.

    Support our Australian sponsors

    The sponsors were again very generous in what is a difficult and evolving retail climate. The internet gives everyone access to the global marketplace allowing shoppers to search online for the best price making it difficult for bricks and mortar stores in Australia to compete. Buying from overseas websites can appear cheaper but if that suit you ordered doesn’t fit then return postage can often eliminate the advantage. Dealing with someone face to face or over the phone has an immediacy that emails to a different time zone can leave you wondering. The local shops will come close to or match that internet price if given the chance, but it’s their service and availability which puts them out in front if there is a problem. They realize the need to adapt but we as the consumer also play a part by recognizing that without their presence we would not have physical access to a wide range of spearfishing equipment. By all means scout the internet, seek out reviews and compare prices but before you hit the ‘add to cart’ button, contact the local dive shop and see if they will match it.

    Amongst the prizes donated were:

    • Cartons of Wahoo beer from Gage Roads Brewing,
    • A Beuchat spearfishing wetsuit from Adreno
    • Vouchers from Perth Scuba, Chivers Marine, Dunsborough Outdoor  Sportz, Muhling Marine, Hookah Dive and Ockys Waterworld,
    • Floatline bungee from Dunsborough Outdoor Sportz,
    • Gear bags from Powerdive,
    • Fins, carbon fibre blades, masks, knives and gun from 1Breath (Freedivers)
    • Knives and floatlines from Spearit,
    • Dive watch from Australasian Dive.
    It was also the maiden outing for the Club’s recently purchased certified digital scales capable of weighing to 220 kgs in 20 gram increments. No more looking at needles on a clock face and trying to decide if it is past a segment or in it. The weights were clearly displayed for all to see and it certainly seemed to go quicker than in previous years. The level of accuracy is such that some fish were just under and some just over their respective minimums.

    Winners of the day:

    1st Aleks Ceklic and Phil Carson with 6 species scoring 1192.9 points

    2nd Ross Bullock and Rob Higgs also with 6 species scoring 1180.1 points

    3rd Dan Wright and Julian Hansford with 5 species scoring 1064.1 points

    4th Brody Baker and David Lewington with 5 species scoring 971.2 points

    5th Dave Robson and Gavin Duncan also with 5 species scoring 876.2 points

    Most meritorious fish went to Cameron Bates with a 6.22kg Baldchin Groper

    Mystery weight prize went to Ian Hannaford with a Sea Sweep of 1.26 kg (Closest to 1.74kg.)

    Thank you to the sponsors and to people who helped out. With their generosity of time, effort and prizes it made the Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition for 2012 a very successful and well received event.