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    The GU Dive Club gets Rocked by old mate Julian

    April 26, 2012 2 min read

    The GU Dive Club gets Rocked by old mate Julian

    On April 11th, the Griffith Uni Dive Club took 16 eager divers down to Byron Bay to infiltrate the waters that surround Julian Rocks.

    The weather leading up to the dive had been perfect, but unfortunately it had turned for the worse over night and we were greeted with strong winds, increasing swell and approx 5m vis. Regardless, we geared up and hit the water.

    Despite the conditions we still saw some incredible marine life including leopard sharks, rays, lion fish in stalking mode, nudibranchs, turtles, eels and of course, a plethora of fish species

    We surfaced, after a ~45 minute dive, to a significantly increased swell, and a rather wet and cold skipper (thanks Jai!). We made way back to land with the rain piercing our cold yet smiling faces. Due to the further detriment to the weather, our second dive was cancelled, which at first had us bummed, but got us to the pub quicker for a nice cold beer.

    Heres a quick video I chopped together for the club members who came along.

    Griffith Uni Dive Club gets Rocked from Sarah Richmond on Vimeo.

    But whats next for the GU Dive Club? Well, this Sunday April 29thwe’re banding together to clean-up the Seaway. Last year we had a great turn out, with over 20 bags of rubbish collected by our divers. Unfortunately, we also found a few animals that had died due to being caught in fishing line.

    We even got in one of the local papers, which showed members of the public and especially the fishermen just how much rubbish and damage there is down below.

    Griffith Uni Dive Club

    If you are interested in coming along to help drive the message for a cleaner Seaway, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or directly at

    Below are a few pics taken last year by one of the GU Dive Club admins, Ryan Pearson

    Til then, Sarah Shark

    Seaway Rubbish Fishing

    Seaway Diving Fishing

    Fishing gear Seaway Diving

    CLean up Seaway Fishing

    Dive Club Clean up Seaway