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    Win a week for 2 divers in Truk Lagoon

    January 25, 2012 1 min read

    Win a week for 2 divers in Truk Lagoon

    STAY @ BLUE LAGOON RESORT - worth USD 2236 !!!! Prize for 2 certified divers includes: * 6 nights twin share accommodation in Blue Lagoon Resort, * return airport transfer in Truk * 5 dive days (10 dives per person, 1 morning & one afternoon dive daily) * tanks and weights and dive guide. Not included: Airfares, Meals, taxes, hire gear

    All you have to do to be in the draw, is answer this question:

    At what age do whale sharks reach reproductive maturity?

    To participate, just email Diversion Dive Travel team with the correct answer latest by Friday 27th January.

    The winner will be contacted by email on Monday 30th January.If you don’t know the answer, you can find it in the Diversion Dive Travel newsletter or on the Diversion Dive Travel Facebook wall.

    Good Luck!