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    Great Barrier Reef Bluewater Charters

    January 24, 2012 2 min read

    Great Barrier Reef Bluewater Charters


    About 6 months ago I decided that my passion for spearfishing and the ocean was becoming more than just a hobby. I was working week on week off out at the mines and no matter how much I dived on my breaks either in Cairns or Overseas it was never enough. I found myself getting majorly depressed on my week out at work especially when you are working in 45 degree heat loading explosives for 12 hours a day. The money was good but I just wasn't feeling it anymore and decided a change was needed.

    My good mate Rob who I dive with regularly up here in the Cairns told me that there are a high number of people who want to go out spearfishing but no one to go with. They also said there was a market for private Scuba charters where divers can come up here and go diving and not have to see 70 other divers on a big tourist boat. With the market there and myself having a very successful uncle to go into business with it was decided that I would quit the mines and start running a charter business.

    Dream come true! Its been a very interesting last couple of months getting everything up to scratch, permits, boats, advertising and searching for the best ground to put people onto fish! We are now ready to take bookings and will have prices up on our Facebook page in the next week. Anyone interested should like our page Great Barrier Reef Bluewater Charters on FB and send me a message if interested.

    Here are some recent pics and a video which shows that our research has paid off and we have the best chance of putting you onto whatever species you are after. Enjoy!
