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    Choosing Spearfishing Fins

    August 04, 2016 3 min read

    Choosing Spearfishing Fins


    Fins are as diverse as the water activities we use them for, be it spearfishing, snorkelling, scuba diving or freediving. Lucas explains all these different types of fins.

    There are few ways to do it so we recommend establishing what you want to use fins for then establishing which ones will work best. To help you, we've compiled this handy list of the activities you love and the fins that best suit their requirements:

    Fins For Snorkeling

    • If you're looking for an easy and comfortable pair of fins that allow you to breeze through the water and absorb the beauty of your surroundings in style, look no further than theAdreno Snorkeling Range.
    • For extra comfort and support look for a pair with a closed heel like those in the Beuchat range.

    Fins For Scuba Diving

    • Scuba diving fins are a step up from snorkelling fins with additional features to increase speed and efficiency.
    • TheAdreno Scuba Site contains a plethora of specialisedScuba fins with a range to suit any budget or skill level.
    • Scuba diving fins are typically open heel fins which means there is an adjustable strap at the back, and you should wear them with a dive boot.
    • Split fins are an additional feature that add precision for those agile or cave diving enthusiasts.

    Fins For Freediving

    • Freedivers typically use a longer fin blade to increase the power and efficiency of each kick.
    • This type of long blade is not only ideal for freedivers but all divers who like to swim in currents and need extra power while conserving energy.
    • With the additional power the long blades give to each kick, you really are getting more bang for your buck.

    Fins For Entry-Level Freedivers

    • If you're an entry-level freediver, you want a pair of fins to increase your efficiency and lower your heart rate through streamlining and minimising your movements, which enables you to dive deeper.
    • This means having a fully moulded fin (the blade is attached to the foot pocket) that is durable and fun to use. Cheaper entry-level freediving fins will typically be made from plastic, which means they will wear and break with use.

    Fins for Intermediate to Advanced level Freedivers

    • Fins out of the entry-level range will almost always have interchangeable foot pockets. This means that if the fin blades ever break, or you want to upgrade them to a newer set of blades with a nicer material, then you don’t have to fork out $100+ for new foot pockets as well! It’s always good to consider this when buying fins as often fins that are only an extra $50 will be well and truly worth the investment as you’ll be saving in the long run by not having to re-purchase new foot pockets,
    • Intermediate level freedivers will begin to consider a more efficient, and more expensive, fin blade material that will conserve more energy while freediving. Composite fibre blades or carbon fibre blades are two more expensive options that will produce better results while diving.

    Soft vs Hard Blades

    Fins don't just vary from activity-to-activity they're also suited to different body types and styles.

    • If you're the type of person who is strong and bigger framed, who needs to dive deep and return quickly especially in strong currents, then you may want something hard that provides a more immediate response. I.e. you kick down and you feel it respond instantly. You will get this from a stiffer blade, but they do require more strength and energy in your kicks.
    • Softer blade fins suit divers wanting to explore at a slower pace and conserve as much energy as possible.
    • An added benefit of the softer blade is that an experienced diver can use them to achieve the same distance while creating fewer vibrations in the water and not frightening the local sea life.

    Spearfishing Fins

    • As previously mentioned, fish aren't too keen on the higher vibrations that come off hard fins. A softer fin can, therefore, be much more beneficial for a spear fisherman hoping to sneak up on fish.
    • Soft fins also have the advantage of not using too much energy as minimal movement and leg work is needed to move them through the water effectively – this is a huge plus for freedivers and spearfishers!

    Fins for Those Trying to Find their Groove 

    If you're new to diving and haven't quite discovered your style yet, we've still got you covered.

    Fins like the Beuchat Mundial Sport Closed Heel Fins allow you to change your blades as you progress through learning. This means you can increase or decrease the intensity as you become a more experienced diver, swapping between hard and soft blades.