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    The Launch of Sarah Shark - A Success

    April 08, 2011 1 min read

    Wobbegong Shark

    So the Launch of Sarah Shark went down without a hitch!

    With an estimated 150 attendees the room was at full capacity and it was unreal

    Wobbegong Shark

    to see all the support of friends, fellow shark lovers and ocean enthusiasts.

    A big thanks to John Natoli for his talk on the Great White Sharks of Neptune Island and to Ian Banks and his unreal footage of Sharks that inhabit the Gold Coast waters including, Leopard Sharks, Grey Nurse and Bull Sharks! To date, sarahshark.com has had over 5000 hits, we have over 600 fans on facebook and our videos have been watched collectively over 2000 times. These stats are important and show that people care about the message we are telling and what we are trying to get through. So hats off to our supporters!

    Here is Episode 1: Wobbegong - The Forgotton Shark

    Sarah Shark Ep1 - Wobbegong the Forgotten Shark from kieren curry on Vimeo.

    Myself and the team have had a week off to kick-back and relax, now its time to gear up for Episode 2 - The Great White Sharks of South Australia. Bring it on!

    Wobbegong Shark

    Daa Dum

    Sarah Shark