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    Spearfishing Clubs

    November 23, 2011 3 min read

    Spearfishing Clubs

    We are nearing a new year now and that usually means Spearfishing Club registration forms are up for renewal, or a new batch of keen and clued-on spearo’s are getting ready to sign up. At Adreno, we realise the importance of joining a spearfishing club, but we are constantly surprised by the amount of new and old spearo’s who have never thought to join a club and reap the benefits!

    What is a spearfishing club?

    A spearfishing club is essentially a group of like-minded spearo’s who get together for social and competitive days out on the water. Most spearfishing clubs will plan for a social or competitive day of diving on a particular weekend each month. A day like this typically involves an early meet up at the boat ramp where boat spots are organised and sign on commences, and then the divers head out around 7am and return around 3pm to weigh fish, have a cold drink and exchange spearfishing stories over a waterfront BBQ.


    Why should I join a spearfishing club?

    Joining a spearfishing club isn’t just about these monthly group get togethers though. Spearfishing clubs offer ongoing support for each other, and if you are keen for a dive, whether it is from the shore or you are looking to get out in a boat, the spearfishing club will be able to help you to get in contact with the right people. It is a way to meet like-minded people, who often become lifelong friends, and advance your skills and knowledge of spearfishing in the safest and best way possible.

    Many spearfishing clubs, such as the Sunshine Coast Skindivers, hold regular info sessions as well such as the recent filleting demonstration where they brought in a pro to teach everyone in the club how to fillet their fish without wasting a bit! As well as this, end of year parties are always great fun where prizes and awards are handed out.

    Being a part of a spearfishing club can take you to some amazing places! This is some club members from around Australia competing over in NZWill it be expensive?

    The usual price of joining a spearfishing club is $20-$25 for a year, however you will also need to become an Australian Underwater Federation (AUF) Member in order to be covered for any accidents that may happen in the water – this is a cost of $55/year. Considering the ongoing support, countless people that you meet and the skills that you develop, joining a spearfishing club is the most inexpensive way to get all of these benefits! No more trolling forums looking for buddies, or reading for hours to try and boost your spearfishing knowledge – joining a spearfishing club will give you immediate access to buddies, info, and catch ups.

    Who can I talk to in my area about joining a spearfishing club?

    Adreno has a list of some of the Spearfishing clubs around Australia.

    If you can’t in contact with someone from this info, a quick google search of the club name, or area should show if there are any spearfishing clubs around. Also, put a post on the Adreno Spearfishing Forum and see if anyone has any information about spearfishing clubs. Many of the Spearfishing Club presidents regularly check forums so it is a great way to get in contact as well.