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    Shark Hangout Round 2

    November 23, 2011 1 min read

    Normally when I walk into Adreno I, along with most other avid divers and spearos, have an overwhelming urge to run around and play with everything. We all enjoy running into the wetsuit section and smothering ourselves with the sweet smell of neoprene...... right? No? (Okay, maybe thats just me).

    However, on Saturday I nhad to fight my fetishes because myself and the Sarah Shark team hit Adreno to raise some funds and spread the word about the project. Adreno were also having their annual Xmas sale so there were plenty of people around.

    Of course our well-known Shark mascott made an appearance..

    Big Shark

    But, not without a wardrobe malfunction first. Big thanks to Adreno's Joe and his staple gun..

    Big Shark

    And of course we drew the raffle, congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to all the sponsors for the prizes...

    Big Shark

    Big Shark

    Big Shark

    Big Shark

    Below are a few of our pics from the event...

    Shark and BBQ

    Big Shark

    Big Shark

    Sarah and Kieren

    We will be holding 3 more of these events at Scubaworld, Sundive and Tweed Seasports. More details for those to come!

    A big thanks to all the awesome Adreno staff members that allowed us to cause a big of havok around the shop. The Xmas sale is still happening so head down there while you can!

    Til next time!

    SS :)