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    Project AWARE Foundation - May 2011

    April 28, 2011 2 min read

    Keep Up Earth Day Momentum Thanks to all the AWARE dive volunteers around the world for making the ocean planet a priority this Dive for Earth Day, April 22nd. Divers protected underwater environments from USA to Malaysia. Keep the Earth Day momentum for the ocean and make a donation today. (more)

    Dive Friends Bonaire Do it Again Dive Friends and NetTech, Bonaire, show us their commitment to a clean ocean again and again. 100 volunteers removed nearly 500 glass bottles and more for Dive for Earth Day. Rock out to the cleanup video and volunteer with them next time you visit Bonaire. (more)

    Tackling Plastic in Indonesia and Thailand Seven dive centers in Indonesia rallied volunteers to collect more than 600 kgs of plastic and fishing line from local environments. And in Koh Tao, Thailand, Sunshine Dive Resort sprung to action after recent storms to collect 150 kgs of waste from a 100 meter stretch of island. (more)

    Hooks, Line and Sinkers Maui Dreams Dive Co., Maui, Hawaii, USA, targeted an offshore area popular to local fisherman this Dive for Earth Day. They collected 60 lbs of fishing gear within 100 yards and have plans to return again for more work underwater. (more)

    Tell 5 Friends We’re inching closer to our goal of 100,000 shark signatures thanks to the help of more than 60,000 shark fans and scuba divers who have signed support so far. Tell 5 of your shark friendly fans and help us reach our goal – 4 more weeks to go! (more)

    Video Contest: Sea the Change AWARE divers protect the ocean in big and small ways every day. Capture your ocean efforts on video and enter PADI’s Sea the Change contest. Already submitted your video online? Rally votes for your favorite to win. (more)