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    Peri-Peri Fish Recipe with Mark Labrooy

    December 09, 2022 1 min read

    Peri-Peri Fish Recipe with Mark Labrooy

    If you're a lover of South African cuisine, and a sucker for some good Peri-Peri, then look no further than this epic recipe by Mark Labrooy. This Peri-Peri recipe works well with most fish species but is absolutely delicious with some freshly caught Jobfish. Follow along to make your next meal an absolute crowd pleaser.

    Ingredients Detail

    • 1kg Green Jobfish (or fish of your liking)
    • Olive oil 
    • Salt and pepper 

    Peri-Peri glaze ingredients 

    Blitz the following ingredients together in a bowl

    • 10 medium long red chillies, de-seeded 
    • 4 cloves garlic
    • Knob of ginger, the size of a 50cent piece, peeled
    • 100ml lemon juice
    • 100ml olive oil
    • 2tsp salt
    • ½ bunch thyme
    • 50mls vegetable oil
    • 1tblsp brown sugar

    Salsa ingredients 

    Cut the following ingredients and mix well together in a bowl

    • ½ punnet cherry toms fine chop 
    • ½ red onion fine dice 
    • ½  cucumber fine dice 
    • ¼ bunch picked and ripped mint 
    • ¼ picked and ripped parsley 
    • 4 red radish fine dice 
    • 1 tbl sherry vinegar dressing (50-50 sherry vinegar, olive oil salt and pepper)
    • Salt and pepper to taste

    Yog sumac sauce ingredients 

    Mix the following together in a small bowl

    • 2 tbl natural yogurt 
    • ½ tsp sumac 
    • Salt and pepper to taste 
    • Olive oil to garnish 


    Glaze and grill your fish using the Peri glaze and your bbq, drizzle with yog sumac sauce and garnish with your salsa.
