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    Pedro Carbonell 2011 Tour Video

    September 21, 2011 1 min read

    Pedro Carbonell 2011 Tour Video

    If you can remember all the way back to April of this year then you will recall triple world spearfishing champion, Pedro Carbonell, visited Adreno Spearfishing Supplies to promote the brand that he loves – Beuchat.

    Before arriving in Australia though, Pedro first visited New Zealand where he amazed the Kiwi guys with his natural abilities – including spearing a 40kg Kingfish on his first dive! Pedro’s unmatched performance continued to drop jaws when we took him to compete in Sydney’s Alliman Shield and he speared a massive Jewfish in 3m of water – a fish that Sydney spearo’s search for a lifetime to get!

    You heard all about Pedro’s Australia visit months ago, now you can watch the triple world champs antics while in NZ too.  Thanks Beuchat and the NZ divers for putting together this fantastic film.