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    New World Record Dogtooth Tuna

    December 09, 2010 1 min read

    Cameron kirkconnell has smashed the World Record Dogtooth Tuna.

    "I am beyond words on this fish. It is bigger than any Dogtooth I thought would ever exist and I’m so stoked to have been able to be able to get a good shot on him and put him in the boat. The fish was so big that despite having the chance for a head shot on him I changed my aim and shot him in the same place as the last really big one I’d landed knowing that the shot would hold and take out his propulsion. The fish was much much much bigger than I thought though. When I was on my way back to the surface I looked at Brad Thornbrough and spread my arms as wide as I could underwater to show him it was massive then hit the surface and he asked, ‘How big was it? World Record?’ At the time I said not that big but definitely over 150 lbs. When it came to the surface though we started flipping out and knew it was over the 200 lb mark. On the beach the scale dropped to a staggering 243lbs shattering the old record (201lbs)"  Cameron Kirkconnell.

    You can check out all the info on www.spearblog.com

    Regards Robbie Lewis