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    Keep up to date with all the goss from the AUF Spearfishing Championships!

    December 07, 2010 1 min read

    We are lucky enough to have Tim Neilsen (owner of Adreno Wholesale Diving Supplies Pty Ltd) and his daughter Jayme, who works for Adreno, competing in this year's competition and for the next couple of days they will be our eyes and ears with regular updates about the AUF Spearfishing Championships happening from the 10th to the 13th. Make sure you watch this space as we will have up-to-date news on big catches for the day, weather updates,  and all the back stage gossip from one of the best spearfishing comps in Australia!

    The weather in far North Queensland is varied therefore, this itinerary is dependent upon any weather changes.

    Thursday 9 December – Registration 3.00 – 7.00 pm Friday 10 December – Spearfishing Heat 1 (weather dependent) Saturday 11 December – Filmfishing and Finswimming Sunday 12 December -– Heat Two Spearfishing Monday 13th Interpacific Pairs and Presentation

    Depending on local weather conditions, the preferred reefs for diving will be from Faith, Hope, and Charity reefs.