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    Facebook Competition Winner Announced

    January 19, 2011 1 min read

    Facebook Competition Winner Announced

    Congratulations to Son Nguyen who has won himself a Beucahat Marlin 1050 Speargun worth over $395!

    To enter all you had to do was first Like us on Facebook and then upload a spearfishing related picture. Every 25 likes your photo receives is an entry into the draw to win the gun.

    Son was only just eligible with 26 likes and through the luck of the draw managed to beat others who had 8 tickets more than him

    Check out the photo that won it for him to the right and watch the draw here on Youtube.

    We also held another similar competition for Christmas last year and Jake Nazer walked away with a similar gun!

    We'll be holding many more competitions throughout the year so if you haven't already make sure you head on over the Facebook and Like our page.