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    Diving in Fiji - Video

    April 30, 2012 1 min read

    Diving in Fiji - Video

    A while ago I posted a blog about the diving holiday in Fiji my partner and I (both working at Adreno) enjoyed in March. One of the highlights of the dive trip at the Great Astrolabe Reef in Fiji is that we saw manta rays doing barrel rolls in order to get the plankton-filled water to flow through their gills. What an amazing sight and how lucky we were to witness this from up close.

    I promised to share out video footage with you. The camera we used is a tiny and cheap action camera from Aldi (in my hand on the photo), and because it has no LCD screen it was a bit hard to get our aim right. But the footage is still amazing.

    Also featuring in the movie are beautiful little ocean critters, angelfish, a clingy remora, a reef shark, and a rare comb jellyfish. We even captured a small eel mimicking a banded sea snake (or was it banded snake? we're still not sure).

    We hope you enjoy this short video of our dives at the Astrolabe Reef!

    Have your say Have you ever seen manat rays doing barrel rolls? Where did you spot them? Share your story below of post it on our Facebook wall!