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    Coal Seam Gas damaging the Great Barrier Reef

    November 10, 2011 2 min read

    Sign up to save endangered species

    Would you ever think of dredging at the Great Barrier Reef? Noone in their right mind would consider such a thing, because of the impact it has on the unique corals and other marine life that exist in Northern Queensland. Yet, it is happening and will continue if we don’t do something about it!

    To make way for three coal seam gas export facilities right inside of the Great Barrier Reef heritage site, 46 million of cubic metres of sea floor are being dredged up from the sea floor. It is the biggest operation of its kind in Australia. The dredging over a vast area is done by Gladstone Ports Corporation over 20 years.

    The strange thing is that Tony Burke, the Environment Minister, hasn’t objected to the plan at all. Now we have not only the impact of global warming and cyclones and floods damaging the fragile ecological system, but also big corporations. This man-made damage should be avoided at all cost, so endangered species like dugongs, some types of turtles, and dolphins have a chance.

    UNESCO, the United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, is angry and up in arms about this Australian idea and if we are not careful, the Great Barrier Reef could lose its world heritage status. Before they visit the site to inspect it in March 2012, the mining of gas will continue and action is needed now. Luckily, the ‘Get Up’ organisation has created a petition to stop immediately ground this plan to a halt. If the government won’t do it, maybe the people can.

    Sign the online petition here

    If you want to continue to see beautiful coral and a diversity of marine life on your next dive, then sign up for the future!