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    A 'whale' of a time at Fish Rock Cave

    July 02, 2012 2 min read

    A 'whale' of a time at Fish Rock Cave

    Last year 23 Griffith Uni Dive Club members made the trek down to the coastal streets of South West Rocks to dive the notorious Fish Rock Cave. However, our flippered feet failed to get wet due to a big swell.

    THIS YEAR, mother nature pulled through with the goods.

    Myself, Sarah Shark Director Kieren Curry and cameraman Hugh Scarlett arrived at South West Rocks on Thursday evening ready for a day of diving and filming, which would almost wrap up the final shots for Episode 3: Grey Nurse - The Endangered Shark! Unfortunately, the winds had picked up and meant that diving was off. Not to waste a day, we hit the beautiful sites of South West Rocks to get our on-land segments done.

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark grey Nurse

    That evening, the Griffith Uni Dive Club members arrived. We went to the pub for dinner and a few beers and I trashed everyone at a few rounds of pool ;)

    Although visibility was low, we got in 4 amazing dives over the Saturday and Sunday and everyone left feeling pretty on top of the world. A few divers were unsure about entering the cave, but on the last dive decided to give it a go and both came up with a smile from ear to ear.

    “This weekend tops anything I've experienced in my life so far” said Loren who’s sentiments where echoed by Harrison with his comment “One of the greatest weekends of my life”. These two were part of the lucky crew who had the pleasure of being in the water with Humpback whales, grey nurse sharks, cuttlefish, and a heap more all on one dive.

    My hat comes off to both Pete and Kev and crew from the South West Rocks Dive Centre. Despite very poor visibility, they pulled out all the tricks to ensure we enjoyed ourselves. They really went above and beyond! If you are yet to dive Fish Rock Cave then go and do it, you will not be disappointed.

    Here's some pics from the weekend ...

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark grey Nurse

    Sarah Shark Grey Nurse

    Here's a quick little video I chopped together from the weekend!

    A Whale of a time at Fish Rock Cave from Sarah Richmond on Vimeo.

    Sarah Shark :) www.sarahshark.com