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    81,087 signatures for shark protection

    December 02, 2011 1 min read

    ‘Give Sharks A Fighting Chance’, was the petition that the PADI Project Aware 'Shout Out Loud' for Sharks petition asked of people. And they were heard: 81,087 signed the petition since the launch World Oceans Day 2010 launch.

    A short while ago, during Shark Week, we also posted the goals behind the petition as a blog, and asked you all to sign up. And many of you did! Many people also responded on our Facebook page and engaged in the discussion. Of course, being Scuba divers, we all know how amazing sharks can be, to observe and film. We should admire and respect them, maybe we should fear them, but we shouldn't kill them.

    Legal loopholes During the 'Shout Out Loud For Sharks' campaign, divers all over the world called on governments to protect sharks from overexploitation. As we all know by now, certain shark species are endangered from overfishing and shark finning. Huge loopholes make it possible to fin sharks without detection or punishment. If consumers will start realising this and stop ordering shark products, the practice will end itself. But in the meantime, we need our governments to regulate the fishermen and impose sanctions.

    Keep shouting out loud for sharks and spread the word about the need to protect them!

    Want to know more? Read here more about the ongoing campaign to protect sharks.