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    66th National AUF Spearfishing Championships: Pre Competition Report Suggests Strong Beginnings

    January 23, 2018 3 min read

    66th National AUF Spearfishing Championships: Pre Competition Report Suggests Strong Beginnings

    Every year, the Australian Underwater Federation (“AUF”) holds the National AUF Spearfishing Championships, where the organisation gathers Australia’s top spearos to compete in a 5 day championship of good weather, good fishing and good times. This year, the 66th annual competition is being held at Quarantine Bay, in Eden NSW.

    Read below for the AUF coverage leading up to the massive event. We thank AUF for the kind words about ADRENO. Here at ADRENO, we’re beyond honoured to have supported the national titles for the past 17 years, and have developed such a strong relationship with the AUF. We strive to serve the spearfishing sport, and do the legends as part of its community proud.

    “66th National AUF Spearfishing Championships.

    Eden NSW January 20th to 27th 2018. Pre Event Report.

    Well it’s registration day today starting at 2.00 Pm at the Eden Yacht Club Quarantine bay. Things are looking fairly good for the next few days & we expect to run day one on Sunday with Monday and Wednesday scheduled in for the three day open part of the nationals. Tuesday is normally a rest/recuperate day & then that leaves Thursday/Friday to compete the Open True Pairs, Fin Swim, Film Fishing, Sub Juniors if held.

    We are expecting in excess of 50 Spearos to be registered including those helping with Safety and Admin. That’s a pretty fair roll up for Nationals these days. It’s great to see the interest and participation increasing more recently. The Weather looks fairly settled up until the coming Tuesday but it’s always a wait and hope with these things. We do have the flexibility to alter our planned activities if needed.

    As the title says this is the 66th time this event has been held & that’s an incredible amount of time for an amateur sports organisation to be able to continually find volunteers and sponsors & interest from the members. We are pleased that many previous champions of the open event are once again in attendance including some that have won on up to eight previous occasions in most other states of Australia.

    There are competitors in Sub Junior, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Veteran, Masters, Grand Masters, Ladies. It’s pleasing to see that many of the competitors are still coming along after having attended the last five or more as held in every state of Australia.

    The event has many facets to it & species allowable, zones to dive, scoring systems, safety procedures, General rules and associated documentation can vary considerably each year as its held in the different states. Not the easiest event to organise & without the commitment of some very dedicated & hard working individuals the event would fade & cease to exist. Thanks to those individuals who have worked so hard will follow in further reports as the event progresses to its conclusion with a presentation next Saturday the 27th.

    In closing this we must offer a great deal of thanks to the small group of dedicated sponsors who support AUF so consistently. ADRENO have been particularly at the forefront of support for AUF events and our members. The relationship with ADRENO goes back perhaps close to 20 years & through their stores and broad range of gear and services they serve the Spearfishing sport exceptionally well. It’s up to us Spearos to show our mutual respect by supporting those who support us so consistently. THANKS ADRENO.

    Finally we wish all competitors to enjoy a fair & most of all a Safe & Pleasant Spearfishing experience down here in beautiful Eden NSW.


    The Organising Committee. AUF NSW Spearfishing Commission."