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    Freediving Workshop 2: Dry Training for Freediving and Depth with Thibault Guignes

    September 18, 2023 1 min read

    Join us as we dive into the world of dry training for freediving and depth, guided by the wisdom and expertise of Thibault Guignes. Learn how to train for freediving without access to a pool, the ocean, or other water source. 

    Thibault Guignes is a French freediving athlete specialising in depth disciplines. He holds 8 National Records for France in the Free Immersion discipline, with a personal best in competition of 117m. His unique approach of training depth all year round and repeating dives over and over again led him to achieve more than 200 dives past 100m depth in his freediving career so far. 

    Want to learn how to freedive or take your freediving to the next level? Check out our available courses below.