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    Southern Freedivers

    Website: http://www.southernfreedivers.org.au/

    The Southern Freedivers Inc. is a not-for-profit spearfishing club, based in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We are a spearfishing club that focuses on social events, dives, club series dives & more.

    Club Spearfish

    Website: https://www.clubspearfish.com/

    ClubSpearfish is a non-profit friendly club based out of South-East Melbourne. We meet the first Thursday of each month in Keysborough.

    Geelong Freedivers

    Website: https://geelongfreedivers.org/

    The Geelong Freedivers are an Australian Underwater Federation (AUF) affiliated Spearfishing and Freediving club. The club was established in 2015. Club activities are predominantly based in Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula and the South West Victorian coastline.  Geelong Freedivers hold weekly pool training at two pool locations – Newtown and Queenscliff. Pool training is one of the more frequent club activities, and allows members to work on their dive form and technique under the guidance of our club coaches, or as a way to work on their own diving fitness.

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