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     1. DEPOSIT - A non-refundable booking fee is required to confirm a place on the trip. The booking fee is non-refundable. Your place will not be confirmed until the non-refundable booking fee has been made. If the tour is canceled due to unsafe water (gale warning or above) or the vessel is unable to depart then a full refund will be issued.

    2. PAYMENT – Payment does not include travel costs to the charter, the final destination, or accommodation prior to and/or after the completion of the charter/trip. Full payment is due 60 days before departure.

     3. CANCELLATIONS – Under any circumstances, no refund of deposit is given, if you are unable to make the trip. No transfer of deposit onto another booking is permitted if the departure date of the original trip is within less than 60 days for interstate trips and 90 days for international trips. If cancellation is made after full payment is received with less than 30 days until departure, only 50% of the remaining balance will be refunded if the space is unable to be filled. If space is filled you will be refunded 100% of the balance minus your non-refundable deposit.

    4. COVID-19 - All passengers are required to provide proof of full vaccination to be allowed to travel onboard the Eastern Voyager, in line with the QLD government safety guidelines. Failure to present adequate proof may lead to refusal on the vessel. In such cases, no refunds will be provided. If you have any queries regarding this please feel free  to contact us directly for further information.

    5. DISCOUNTS - Any promotional discount code, offers, or gift vouchers, may not be used to pay for trips and/or courses. In the event a discount code or voucher is applied to the deposit upon booking, the discount saving will be added to your final payment due 60 days prior to travel.

    6. TERMS - Adreno will endeavor to adhere to the scheduled itinerary, but reserve the right to alter the proposed itinerary or cancel the trip in the event of extreme weather conditions. Trip itineraries are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Tour Operator. In the event that a trip is delayed, or cut short due to weather or a medical emergency, fees will not be refunded. Adreno will not be held financially responsible for an alternative trip or accommodation, any inconvenience incurred, or for adverse weather conditions or illness as a result. Trip fees will not be refunded should you be unable to arrive in time for the scheduled departure or be unable to complete all available activities.

    7. EQUIPMENT – All participants are required to provide their own equipment suitable for free-diving, and spearfishing. This includes spares and repairs. For a full list of recommended gear, please visit our trips page. https://spearfishing.com.au/pages/spearfishing-trips

    8. HIRE GEAR – There is absolutely nothing available for purchase or hire on the boat when it comes to diving or spearing gear.8.ACCOMMODATION – Twin or Quad share room, same-gender not guaranteed.

    9. MEDICAL AND TRAVEL INSURANCE - All persons traveling with Adreno are strongly advised to purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes:

    (i)Trip Cancellation insurance

    (ii)Lost/ Damaged personal belonging or equipment, (if this occurs for any reason, must be claimed on Travel insurance)(iii)Evacuation & medical cover for Spearfishing. Please be aware that spearfishing and in-water activities are not covered by all Travel Insurance companies. Please read the wording of your policy very carefully. NOTE: In a medical emergency any evacuation, vessel relation, or medical expenses are the financial responsibility of that diver.9. IMAGE RELEASE - I authorise Adreno and its agents to use as they see fit any photographic, video, or digital images taken on this retreat in which I appear or have supplied.

    10. MEDICAL STATEMENT - I state that I am in good health for diving. I have no medical history of heart or lung disorders, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy narcolepsy. I understand if I have any medical condition contrary to safe freediving I will not be permitted to Freedive unless I produce a Freedivingmedical certificate that addresses my medical condition. In addition, I will not dive on the retreat if I am feeling unwell or I have a chest cold or respiratory congestion.DISCHARGE OF LIABILITY - It is a fundamental condition of this contract between Adreno, its employee and agents on the one part and (print your name)_______________________________________________________on the other part, that to the extent permitted by Adreno is hereby discharged and indemnified by my/our executor(s), my/our administrator(s) and my/our dependent(s) from any liability for any damage, death or injury whatsoever arising out of or incidental to this retreat, and other services provided by Adreno whether or not such damage or personal injury is caused or contributed to by Adreno. I acknowledge that I will be participating in activities, which are undertaken for purposes of recreation and involve a significant degree of physical exertion and physical risk. I further acknowledge I am aware of the risks of injury/death associated with my participation in this diving expedition and agree that I voluntarily assume such risk.11.INSURANCE STATEMENT - I understand unforeseen events may cause me to cancel this retreat. Compensation for cancellation; alteration; and/or lost or damaged bags; belongings; or equipment must be claimed against my travel insurance. No compensation is offered to change flights or holiday plans.

    12. INSURANCE STATUS - Ensure the following can be ticked:

    I have insurance to cover the Travel Insurance Condition (5) 

    I have chosen not to insure & accept risk

    13. EVACUATION STATEMENT I understand if I have a dive or medical emergency I am responsible for the cost of medical assistance if I don’t have suitable travel insurance. I authorize you to make medical and transport arrangements as may be determined in my best interest. I agree to pay expenses incurred on my behalf, which may be charged against my credit card. (Documentation will be provided for insurance claims.)STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDINGBy inserting my name on the Discharge of Liability & signing below, I acknowledge I have read, understood, and accepted the Discharge of Liability, Medical, Insurance, and Evacuation Statement’s and Booking conditions 1-13. I also agree that any claims or disputes in regard to this document or my participation in this expedition will be governed by Australian law in the state of Queensland.