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    Sunshine Coast Skindivers

    Email: sckindivers@gmail.com

    Website: https://sunnycoastskindivers.com/how-to-join/

    A recently formed Spearfishing club (est 2020) that promotes sustainable fishing and safety in underwater activities.

    Brisbane Undersea Club

    St Kippa-Ring, 11 Volunteer Street, Queensland, 4021

    About the club – The Brisbane Underwater Club is a not for profit organisation which is dedicated to providing the ability to spearfish, free dive, scuba dive. There are regularly scheduled trips to the Sunshine Coast, Stradbroke Islands, Gold Coast, The northern end of NSW, and on the odd occasion we go all out and take a trip the Great Barrier Reef. We are dedicated to sustainably spearfishing and taking what you need, in order to preserve this fascinating sport.

    Freedom Divers Moreton Bay

    Brisbane, Queensland, 4000

    About the club – The Moreton Bay freedom divers meets every month on the first Thursday. The club is always interested in new members and anyone who is new to freediving or spearfishing or perhaps just interested in the sport is welcome to attend. There is a great social atmosphere to the club with day and weekend trips being organised as well as BBQ’s and other social outings.

    Tweed Gold Coast Freedivers

    Palm Beach Olympic Swimming Pool on Throwers Drive, Palm Beach. 

    President: Jenni Budworth M:  0409 871 291 E:   jennibudworth@gmail.com

    Vice President: Max Campbell  M: 0481 846 002 E:  maxcampb@hotmail.com

    Secretary: Craig McNiven  M:  0411 845 360 E:   craig@ecomistgoldcoast.com.au

    Treasurer: Cindy Yang M:  0435 216 236  E:   missyanger@gmail.com

    The Tweed Gold Coast Freedivers is a large active club with a membership base that spans across South East Queensland.  The club participates in both spearfishing and underwater hockey.

    Bundaberg Skindivers Club

    Bundaberg, PO Box 592, Queensland 4670
    Email: bundabergskindivers@gmail.com

    Website: https://bundabergskindivers.org/

    About the club - The Bundaberg Skindivers Club is an amateur sporting organisation that has represented the interests of spearfishers in the Bundaberg/Wide Bay area for over 50 years. It provides the opportunity for personal skindiving improvement through social and competitive activities in both spearfishing and underwater hockey. The club is affiliated with the Australian Underwater Federation and applications for membership are invited.

    Maryborough Skindivers Club

    President: Neil Black M. 07 4121 5425  E. njb102102@hotmail.com

    Treasurer: Frank Grant M. 07 4121 4073  E. frankgg@bigpond.com

    Secretary: Garry Pomroy M. 07 4194 0734 E. gkpomroy@tpg.com.au

    Mackay Down Under Skindiving Club Inc.

    2 Patricia Drive, Mackay, Queensland, 4740

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mackay.spearfishing/

    About the club – The Mackay Down Under Skindiving Club is one of the oldest spearfishing and freediving clubs in Queensland. It has been around for over 60 years, and is still going strong, with meetings occurring on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7pm, Craig Barnett’s shed at the end of Victoria Street. The MDUSC is responsible for two competitions per month with their annual competition in memory of Andrew Clough which is held every year in September. Always keen for new spearfishers, anyone is welcome!

    Townsville Skindiving Club

    Townsville Motor Boat & Yacht Club, 1 Plume Street, South Townsville. 

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/308456222990168/

    Townsville Skindiving Club was formed in 1982 and it continues to be one of Queensland’s most active clubs.

    Cairns Underwater Association (Cairns Spearos)

    Cairns, Queensland, 4878
    Website: https://www.cairnsspearos.com.au/

    Established over 40 years ago, the Cairns Underwater Association Inc. was founded on a passion for the sport of spearfishing and freediving in all forms. We are affiliated with the Australian Underwater Federation, and the promotion of responsible and sustainable spearfishing practices are a core purpose of the club. The club holds an annual running competition which all members are eligible to enter, and additionally often hosts the QLD state championship. The club is always looking for new members so please get in touch!

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