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    Perth Freediving Courses

    Learn to FREEDIVE IN Perth

    There are so many options for Perth freedivers! Besides having the world class Rottnest Island just off shore Perth has easy access to deep water and a thriving freediving and spearfishing community. When you learn to freedive in Perth the underwater world and our freediving community will be open to you! WA has some of the best diving in the entire world and to be absolutely honest you’d be mad to live there and not to learn to dive!
    We run our freediving and spearfishing courses from the Adreno store and our dive sessions are either in Rockingham Beach or the estuary in Coombe. Check out our courses below and discover the underwater world!

    Book your Course Below

    Not sure which course to choose?

    WAVE 1 - Beginner Freediving

    Learn amazing skills that will allow you to stay underwater longer, explore the depths of oceans, and feel completely comfortable holding your breath! Absolutely anyone can join! This is where freediving begins!


    WAVE 2 - Advanced Freediving

    Learn how to train and use your body for greater freediving performance. Also, how to dive comfortably from 24 – 30 metres and to achieve breath-holds of over two and a half minutes. This is where you take your diving to the next level!


    WAVE 3 - Master Freediving

    Learn advanced relaxation and equalisation techniques to achieve maximum performance in your dives and breath holds. This is the highest level recreational freediving course in the world.