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    Fish Stock

    Love the sport of spearfishing but don't have an inkling on how to cook a fish? In this new series founder and owner of Adreno, Tim Neilsen, will show you how to Cook Your Catch.

    This is Tim's recipe for homemade fish stock! Tim makes his own fish stock as he likes to use every part of the fish so nothing goes to waste. Stock is also perfect for all those veggies that are needing to be used in the fridge!

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel now for fortnightly fish recipes, spearfishing videos, spearfishing tips and gear reviews


    • 6L Water
    • Onions
    • Fish carcass
    • Salt
    • Vegetables
    • Vinegar


    1. Chop veggies and fish carcass and add to pot of water with vinegar and salt
    2. Simmer for approximately an hour and a half
    3. Strain well and store in tupperware containers in the freezer