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    Fish Spring Rolls

    Love the sport of spearfishing but don't have an inkling on how to cook a fish? In this new series founder and owner of Adreno, Tim Neilsen, will show you how to Cook Your Catch.

    For this fish spring roll recipe, you can use any fish, even the lowest grade of fish will taste great with this simple recipe. This recipe is a favourite of many, as you can use whatever ingredients you have in your fridge, and it requires nearly no preparation. if you're ever stuck for a quick meal, this is the one!

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel now for fortnightly fish recipes, spearfishing videos, spearfishing tips and gear reviews


    • Spring roll pastry
    • 1 cup grated wombok cabbage
    • 1 cup grated carrot
    • 500g fish
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tsp chinese 5 Spice
    • 2 tbs sweet soy sauce


    1. Place fish in a medium sized bowl.
    2. Add the Chinese 5 spic, sweet soy sauce and salt and pepper to the fish and mix through.
    3. Lay spring roll pastry on a flat bench on a diagonal. 
    4. Place the fish, cabbage and carrot in a line across the bottom of the pastry and roll, tucking in the corners as you roll.
    5. Brush a small amount of egg on the end to seal.
    6. Heat the oil a medium sized pan so that when you drop a small piece of bread in, the oil bubbles.
    7. Place rolls in the oil cook until golden, turning halfway.
    8. Remove from pan, rest on wire rack to remove excess oil for 5 minutes.
    9. Serve with your favourite dipping sauce.