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    Southern Bluefin Tuna

    Southern Bluefin Tuna

    Southern Bluefin Tuna is a migratory pelagic species that can mostly be found in Southern Australia during the winter months. This species of tuna can grow to mammoth proportions, weighing up to 100kgs plus.

    For many spearos, Bluefin Tuna is a dream fish but landing this coveted species requires a lot of preparation, hard work and teamwork. To help you score this epic catch, we've pulled together the most comprehensive guide from our in-house experts - check out our guides below to learn more!

    Southern Bluefin Tuna SPEARFISHING GUIDES

    Southern Bluefin Tuna
    Hunting Guide

    Learn how to hunt one of the
    fastest pelagic species in our ocean with our step-by-step guide.

    Check It Out

    Southern Bluefin Tuna
    Gear Guide

    Bluefin tuna can get up to a whopping 100kgs! Having the right kind of gear is critical to helping you land your biggest fish yet.

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    Southern Bluefin Tuna
    Fish Care Guide

    Did you know tuna's body temperature sits at 24-35°? There are vital steps to take when it comes to dishing up fresh tuna. 

    Check It Out

    Southern Bluefin Tuna on your hit list?

    Make sure you have the right gear

    Love a good yarn?

    So do we! Check out these epic stories from customers and the Adreno team on their own experiences with bluefin tuna!

    Matty Parker's Bluefin Tuna

    I was mid water checking out some bait when a shadow appeared from behind. I kicked towards it and the distinct shape of a tuna appeared - I took the shot.


    Justin Ewan - Whopping 42kg Southern!

    Unexpectedly one of the reels starts screaming, Jack got on the rod and started to bring the fish up and as that fish was being dragged up we could see more than one silhouette following his fish. Jack told me to jump in - so I did.


    Simon Lata - Northern Bluefin Tuna

    Tell you what this fish took off like a bullet. As soon as the shaft had hit the fish, my rig was gone... For the next 5 mins I was pulling the anchor chain up plus trying to spot where my rig with tuna attached were going, then I was off at 6kts in hot pursuit.


    Spearo:  @justin_ewan